About Franz Reichel

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I am an independent researcher in the field of physics and simulation.

    Curriculum Vitae:

    04/2010 - Researcher at the University of Applied Sciences

    03/2014 - Master of Science in Industrial simulation (MSc) University of Applied Sciences, St. Pöten, Austria

    07/2009 - Diploma in Computersimulation (Dipl.-Ing.(FH)) University of Applied Sciences, St. Pöten, Austria

    Programming simulation tools and visualisation of data is my special subject. Also setting up powerful clusters and managing them is a part of the work.

    I am programming in more than one language, my most common used are C/C++, Java, C#, Python, Shell Script. For visualisations I prefer Unity3d at the moment.

    Some other important programs I use for visualisations or simulations are: Blender, Gimp, Paraview, Salome, EScript and much more.

    Important links

  • TU Vienna Magnetic Simulation
  • University of Applied Science St. Poelten
  • I.E.L.L.
  • http://academic.bancey.com



Unity 3D Webplayer demos


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